The Volantis is a dynamically positioned multi-role subsea construction vessel. Designed for operation in severe weather conditions, the vessel demonstrates high station keeping capability whilst remaining environmentally efficient. The vessel incorporates a 150te Active Heave Compensated subsea crane and is permanently mobilised with an Installer Work Class ROV and Seaeye Panther XT III A Work Class ROV, which can be launched and recovered in high Sea States.The Volantis has an extensive global track record for performing comprehensive construction, installation and trenching projects on a highly productive basis. The spread also includes a 2000te rated carousel to facilitate the installation and/or simultaneous burial of flexible products.In addition to the world’s most powerful jet trencher, the 2.1MW UT-1, which is permanently mobilised on board the vessel, the following equipment can also be fitted as required: Additional Work Class ROV/ Observation ROVs; capacity Stern A Frame, a range of cable ploughs and mechanical trenchers.
Vessel Spread Specification
- Build: 2007
- Design: Offshore Construction Vessel
- Class:
- LOA: 106,6M
- LPP: 22M
- Breadth:
- Draught:
- Accommodation: 81 persons
- High sea state capability
- Efficient and cost effective trenching and construction support
- High Station manoeuvrability minimizes environmental impact
- 2 X in built Work Class Rovs
- Permanently mobilized with 2.1MV, Jet Trenching ROV, UT-1